Carolina Toapanta

M.Sc. 2015: “Connecting Forests and Empowering Communities through an Incentive–based Conservation program in Jama, Ecuador”

Research Interests

My main interest at the moment is to determine how the effects of the economic crisis in Ecuador and earthquake of April 2016 will influence the increase of the deforestation rates in the Ecuadorian coast.

About Me

I earned my title as Biologist with emphasis on Ecology and Sustainable Development in the Latin University of Costa Rica in 2005, after this in 2015 I obtained my Master in Environmental Conservation at the University of Wisconsin. Currently I work as Executive Director in Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation developing projects related to Biodiversity Monitoring, Water Quality, micro enterprises programs, and recently in recovery post-earthquake humanitarian assistance in the Canton Jama, Manabí. I have worked in Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation since 2014 as Assistant Professor in the Semester Abroad Program in Tropical Conservation and developing curriculum materials involved in wildlife conservation and conservation. I’ve also worked as a Naturalist Guide at Hotel Napo Wildlife Center, I was Professor of the Department of Ornithology at the University of San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Manabí, and Principal Researcher of the Project: Assessing the population status of the Chachalaca Cabecirrufa (Ortalis erythroptera) in Pacoche Forest in Manabí, Ecuador.