Anika Rice

PROGRAM: M.S. Geography

Anika Rice is a People-Environment Geographer studying agroecology, gender and migration in a changing climate. Her MS project is in Guatemala, and incorporates farmer pedagogies, women’s knowledge production and participatory approaches.
She is a 2019-2020 Helen Firstbrook Franklin Fellow through UW’s Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies Program. She received her BA in Human Geography from UC Berkeley in 2014 and has since interned at National Geographic Explorer Programs in DC, instructed field courses with GirlVentures in the greater Bay Area, and worked as a farm educator at Urban Adamah in Berkeley, CA. In 2016 she completed a project titled “Migration, Women and Coffee Production: Changing roles on Guatemalan and Nicaraguan farms” as a National Geographic Young Explorer grantee.

Her background in experiential education includes food systems & farm ecology curriculum, native plants & folk herbalism lessons, backpacking skills, mindfulness, earth-based Judaism, and holding intentional space for group connection. In her free time she enjoys weaving, fermenting things, and learning about the plant world.

For more information visit her website: